Recent Activities

ISBI 2023 Abstract

MED-INPAINT: Medical Image Synthesis using Multi-Level Conditional Inpainting with a Denoising Diffusion Probalistic Model and Adaptive Contrast Priors

ISMRM 2023 Abstract

Spatial-Adaptive Deep Learning Model and Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for Segmentation and Quantitative Evaluation of Cervical Cancer

Astro 2022 Presentation

Organs-at-Risk Segmentation on T2-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Transformer-Based Segmentation

MICCAI 2022 Conference

Attended MICCAI 2022, the biggest medical image processing conference, in Singapore

Nature Scientific Reports Manuscript Submission

Contrast-Enhanced to Non-Contrast CT Synthesis using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Network (Cycle-GAN) for Radiomics and Deep Learning in the Era of COVID-19

MIDL 2022 Conference

The MIDL conference is held annually and encompasses the most recent deep learning-based research and innovative approaches across a wide range of medical imaging applications

ICR 2022 Annual Conference Presentation

Showcase of recent cancer research studies at the Institute of Cancer Research, London